October 5, 2024 Announcements
Anuncios del 5 de Octubre de 2024
Parish News
The Knights of Columbus will meet on October 13,2024 at 1:00
p.m. in the Parish Life Center.
Baby Banks are coming! In October, Respect Life Month, St
Mary’s will host this campaign to foster greater respect for the
sanctity of human life. In this post-Roe era, we as a church need
to be islands of mercy for those facing a crisis pregnancy,
parenting challenges, or seeking healing after abortion. Your
donation will help the efforts in our parish and throughout the
diocese to help Walk with moms and families in need and provide
formation and education in the sanctity of life from conception to
natural death. Baby Bank boxes will be available in October.
Thank you to all the hard-working volunteers that worked at
the concession stand every week. We will need volunteers once
again for Thursday's games on October 10th, there will be 3
games. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Sara
Saldivar 210-287-7215.
COMMUNITY PRAISE NIGHT: Join the San Saba County
Ministerial Alliance for an evening of song and fellowship on
October 13, 2024 at the Gazebo in Mill Pond Park, beginning at
6:30 pm.
The Catholic Charities of Central Texas has served as the
social service arm of the Diocese of Austin and continues to
commitment to serve anyone in need across Central Texas. They
provide counseling service, disaster response, financial stability,
immigration legal services, refugee resettlement services, St.
Gabriel's Pregnancy & Parenting program and St. Michael’s
Veteran Services. Please pick up one of the flyers in the Church.
Special Intentions such as birthdays, anniversaries, and prayers
for the sick may be announced during Mass by letting the office
know. The request must come from a close family member.
Please e-mail or call the office at the numbers listed in the bulletin.
ROSARY Every Sunday morning at 9:20 a.m. please join us in
praying The Rosary. The Ladies of St.Mary's.
Thanks to all those who joined together for our study program of
"The Gospel of Luke Bible Study".
Well Done! on the Completion of this St. Mary's Adult Study
The Holy Eucharist - Body Blood Soul & Divinity
DVD-based, Single Session
10/17 Thursday 1:00-2:30 pm
Video will be re-shown
10/21 Monday 6:30 - 8:00 pm
San Saba St. Mary’s Parish Life Center
Thursdays, 1:00 – 2:30
October 10 NO CLASS
October 17 The Holy Eucharist (NEW)
October 24 NO CLASS
October 31 New Program (TBA)
Also on MONDAY October 21, 6:30 – 8:00 pm The Holy Eucharist (reshown)
The Knights of Columbus will meet on October 13,2024 at 1:00
p.m. in the Parish Life Center.
Baby Banks are coming! In October, Respect Life Month, St
Mary’s will host this campaign to foster greater respect for the
sanctity of human life. In this post-Roe era, we as a church need
to be islands of mercy for those facing a crisis pregnancy,
parenting challenges, or seeking healing after abortion. Your
donation will help the efforts in our parish and throughout the
diocese to help Walk with moms and families in need and provide
formation and education in the sanctity of life from conception to
natural death. Baby Bank boxes will be available in October.
Thank you to all the hard-working volunteers that worked at
the concession stand every week. We will need volunteers once
again for Thursday's games on October 10th, there will be 3
games. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Sara
Saldivar 210-287-7215.
COMMUNITY PRAISE NIGHT: Join the San Saba County
Ministerial Alliance for an evening of song and fellowship on
October 13, 2024 at the Gazebo in Mill Pond Park, beginning at
6:30 pm.
The Catholic Charities of Central Texas has served as the
social service arm of the Diocese of Austin and continues to
commitment to serve anyone in need across Central Texas. They
provide counseling service, disaster response, financial stability,
immigration legal services, refugee resettlement services, St.
Gabriel's Pregnancy & Parenting program and St. Michael’s
Veteran Services. Please pick up one of the flyers in the Church.
Special Intentions such as birthdays, anniversaries, and prayers
for the sick may be announced during Mass by letting the office
know. The request must come from a close family member.
Please e-mail or call the office at the numbers listed in the bulletin.
ROSARY Every Sunday morning at 9:20 a.m. please join us in
praying The Rosary. The Ladies of St.Mary's.
Thanks to all those who joined together for our study program of
"The Gospel of Luke Bible Study".
Well Done! on the Completion of this St. Mary's Adult Study
The Holy Eucharist - Body Blood Soul & Divinity
DVD-based, Single Session
10/17 Thursday 1:00-2:30 pm
Video will be re-shown
10/21 Monday 6:30 - 8:00 pm
San Saba St. Mary’s Parish Life Center
Thursdays, 1:00 – 2:30
October 10 NO CLASS
October 17 The Holy Eucharist (NEW)
October 24 NO CLASS
October 31 New Program (TBA)
Also on MONDAY October 21, 6:30 – 8:00 pm The Holy Eucharist (reshown)
Noticias de la Parroquia
Los Caballeros de Colón se reunirán el 13 de octubre a la
1:00 p.m. en el salón de la iglesia.
¡Ya vienen los Baby Banks! En octubre, Mes del Respeto a
la Vida, St Mary's organizará esta campaña para fomentar un
mayor respeto por la santidad de la vida humana. En esta era
posterior a Roe, nosotros, como iglesia, debemos ser islas de
misericordia para quienes enfrentan un embarazo en crisis,
desafíos para ser padres o buscan curación después de un
aborto. Su donación ayudará a los esfuerzos en nuestra
parroquia y en toda la diócesis para ayudar a caminar con
mamás y familias necesitadas y brindar formación y
educación en la santidad de la vida desde la concepción hasta
la muerte natural. Las cajas Baby Bank estarán disponibles en
Gracias a todos los voluntarios que trabajaron
arduamente en el puesto de comida. Necesitamos más
voluntarios el jueves 10 de Octubre, habrá 3 juegos. Si
desea ser voluntario, comuníquese con Sara Saldivar al
Ministerial del Condado de San Saba para una noche de
canto y compañerismo el 13 de octubre de 2024 en el Gazebo
de Mill Pond Park, a partir de las 6:30 p.m.
Se pueden anunciar intenciones especiales como
cumpleaños, aniversarios y oraciones por los enfermos
durante la Misa informándolo a la oficina. La solicitud debe
provenir de un familiar cercano. Envíe un correo electrónico o
llame a la oficina a los números que figuran en el boletín.
comportamiento poco ético por parte de una persona que
sirve en el ministerio a la diócesis al (512) 949-2447.
Los Caballeros de Colón se reunirán el 13 de octubre a la
1:00 p.m. en el salón de la iglesia.
¡Ya vienen los Baby Banks! En octubre, Mes del Respeto a
la Vida, St Mary's organizará esta campaña para fomentar un
mayor respeto por la santidad de la vida humana. En esta era
posterior a Roe, nosotros, como iglesia, debemos ser islas de
misericordia para quienes enfrentan un embarazo en crisis,
desafíos para ser padres o buscan curación después de un
aborto. Su donación ayudará a los esfuerzos en nuestra
parroquia y en toda la diócesis para ayudar a caminar con
mamás y familias necesitadas y brindar formación y
educación en la santidad de la vida desde la concepción hasta
la muerte natural. Las cajas Baby Bank estarán disponibles en
Gracias a todos los voluntarios que trabajaron
arduamente en el puesto de comida. Necesitamos más
voluntarios el jueves 10 de Octubre, habrá 3 juegos. Si
desea ser voluntario, comuníquese con Sara Saldivar al
Ministerial del Condado de San Saba para una noche de
canto y compañerismo el 13 de octubre de 2024 en el Gazebo
de Mill Pond Park, a partir de las 6:30 p.m.
Se pueden anunciar intenciones especiales como
cumpleaños, aniversarios y oraciones por los enfermos
durante la Misa informándolo a la oficina. La solicitud debe
provenir de un familiar cercano. Envíe un correo electrónico o
llame a la oficina a los números que figuran en el boletín.
comportamiento poco ético por parte de una persona que
sirve en el ministerio a la diócesis al (512) 949-2447.
Please give your request for a Mass intention to Fr. Javier or you may leave at the office and it will be given to him. Your minimum donation for a Mass is $5.00, either cash or check, however the check must be made payable to Fr. Javier Toscano.
Please give your request for a Mass intention to Fr. Javier or you may leave at the office and it will be given to him. Your minimum donation for a Mass is $5.00, either cash or check, however the check must be made payable to Fr. Javier Toscano.
Por favor entregue su solicitud de intención de Misa al P. Javier o se puede dejar en la oficina y se le entregará. Su donación mínima para una misa es de $5.00, ya sea en efectivo o con cheque, sin embargo, el cheque debe hacerse a nombre de Fr. Javier Toscano.
WELCOME to our Visitors!
We have been blessed to have you here. We hope that you have a moment to visit with us after mass and that you will join us again. Thank you for sharing your time of prayer with us.
Ladies of St. Mary’s
P.O. Box 115, San Saba, TX 76877: The regular monthly meeting is on second Tuesdays at 6:30 pm in the Parish Life Center.
Marriage Certificates:
The Diocese of Austin and the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will recognize marriages beginning with five years, and every five years thereafter, by presenting couples with a certificate. Please notify the church office to request a certificate.
Texas CHIP and Medicaid:
Do you need help with children's Texas CHIP and Medicaid Programs? Please contact Tracy Light, patient advocate for Delta Dental at 512-520-6740.
Teens are you troubled?
Parents do you need help with your teens?
Texas Youth Helpline 24/7 1-800-98YOUTH(9-6884) Text (512)872-5777
[email protected] www.texasyouth.org Facebook.com/TexasYouthHoltline
If you are interested
in additional information from the Diocese of Austin, go to austindiocese.org and click on Friday E-pistle. To
subscribe to the Weekly Update, call Shelley Metcalf at (512)949-2443 or e-mail shelley-metcalf @austindiocese.org with your name, parish, postal address and email address.
The Ministerial Alliance
If you are in need of assistance, the Ministerial Alliance at 372-5259. Please leave your name and telephone number
and the nature of your request. Someone will return your call.
The Capital Area Food Bank
The food bank is in San Saba on the 4th Wednesday at the Civic Center from 10:00 am to 11:30 am. Food is distributed
to residents of San Saba County. If you have a need, please visit the Food Bank. If you are interested in volunteering to help distribute food, contact Kelly Murray at 325-205-0405
FREE ministry to traveling Catholics.
For nationwide Mass times and locations: Call 1-800-Mass Times (1-800-627-7846) or Internet
www.Masstimes.org Annunciation Maternity Home, 512-864-7755, www.thematernityhome.org
Assistances For San Saba County
Ministerial Alliance: (325) 372-5259
This is an Automated Voicemail System; please allow at least a week for the Alliance to call you back. They limit assistance to every 90 days.
Leave the following information when you call:
Salvation Army: (325) 372-5721
Located at 209 E. Brown, San Saba, TX 76877
City National Bank can be found across the street from CTTC. Either call or go into the City National Bank and speak with Debra Cummings. They do a one-time help of $50 with your bill. Make sure you have your bill in hand when you go in to see Debra.
Mobile Food Bank
Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month, the Mobile Food Bank sets up at the Civic Center at the back of Mill Pond Park and starts distributing food at 10:00 AM.
Hill Country Community Action: (325) 372-5833
Located at 705 E. Storey St., San Saba, TX 76877
H.C.C.A. is located inside the Senior Center. You will need to speak with Gayla Paredez about availability with Utility Assistance or to be put on a Wait List.
Please bring the following Information that pertains to everyone in the household:
Health & Human Services: (325) 372-5188
Located at 421 E. Wallace, San Saba, TX 76877
Medicaid – Food Stamp – Welfare Office administrates your local program under Texas State guidelines. Medicaid provides health care for low-income people. Welfare programs (TANF) give assistance to those who have little or no income. While Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Food Stamps helps low-income families buy food.
This is an Automated Voicemail System; please allow at least a week for the Alliance to call you back. They limit assistance to every 90 days.
Leave the following information when you call:
- Name
- Good Call Back Phone Number
- Type of Bill
- Amount Owed
Salvation Army: (325) 372-5721
Located at 209 E. Brown, San Saba, TX 76877
City National Bank can be found across the street from CTTC. Either call or go into the City National Bank and speak with Debra Cummings. They do a one-time help of $50 with your bill. Make sure you have your bill in hand when you go in to see Debra.
Mobile Food Bank
Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month, the Mobile Food Bank sets up at the Civic Center at the back of Mill Pond Park and starts distributing food at 10:00 AM.
Hill Country Community Action: (325) 372-5833
Located at 705 E. Storey St., San Saba, TX 76877
H.C.C.A. is located inside the Senior Center. You will need to speak with Gayla Paredez about availability with Utility Assistance or to be put on a Wait List.
Please bring the following Information that pertains to everyone in the household:
- Most Recent Pay Stub(s)
- Most Recent Electric Bill OR Gas/Propane Bill
- Birth Certificate(s)
- Social Security Card(s)
- Passport(s) (Only if available)
- Green Card(s) Passport(s)
Health & Human Services: (325) 372-5188
Located at 421 E. Wallace, San Saba, TX 76877
Medicaid – Food Stamp – Welfare Office administrates your local program under Texas State guidelines. Medicaid provides health care for low-income people. Welfare programs (TANF) give assistance to those who have little or no income. While Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Food Stamps helps low-income families buy food.
- Food Stamps 4. Medicaid
- Unemployment 5. WIC